How Dental Bonding Can Alter the Look and Feel of Your Teeth

Are you searching for a dental bonding service in North York? Book your North York Dental appointment today. Contact us now

Dental bonding is a fast, convenient treatment option for patients who wish to alter the shape, appearance, and feel of their teeth. This process can be reversible (unlike dental veneers), though most patients simply require a touch-up after three to ten years. The procedure for dental bonding is relatively straightforward and can be completed in just a single 30-to-60-minute visit.

Repair Stained & Damaged Teeth

A common reason to choose dental bonding is that it offers a cost-effective solution for stained or damaged teeth. 

A quick response is critical after chipping or cracking a tooth. Dental bonding is sometimes used for emergency dentistry—if you break or chip your tooth, you should try to preserve the broken piece. Using a composite resin, your dentist can cement the broken piece back against the tooth. After this, your dentist can layer additional resin to restore the tooth's appearance completely.

Individuals with tooth discolouration may wish to undergo a quick treatment for dental bonding, which will help remove the stain and restore its natural tone.

Costs of Dental Bonding

Dental insurance may cover part of the cost of bonding, or you can use your dental plan to pay for a portion. If you have a chipped tooth, the cost of dental bonding is likely to be covered by your insurance plan. Dental insurance does not cover cosmetic bonding (i.e., for removing stains), but it does cover bonding necessary for oral health.

Dental Bonding: Aftercare Tips

Many individuals are taking advantage of dental bonding to enhance their smiles. However, it is important to remember that the resin added to your teeth is not as strong as your natural teeth. Below are some foods to avoid any complications. Due to the composite resin material used, we advise avoiding the following:

  • Chewy or sticky candy
  • Hard food such as popcorn kernels or ice
  • Acidic foods (citrus, lime, or even tomatoes)
  • Food that stains easily: red wine, coffee, tea or berries
  • Chewing or smoking tobacco
  • Clenching or grinding your teeth
  • Habits such as biting your nails, pens, etc.

After your treatment, you should clean your teeth by brushing twice daily and flossing daily. Using a mouthwash that doesn't contain alcohol is also safer.

Are you searching for a dentist near you in North York? Book your North York Dental appointment online today, or contact our team at  (416) 499-7878.

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